[email protected] runs up the tab

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Description: We are delighted to extend a bright pink invitation via unsolicited commercial e-mail, for you to join the World Law Alliance (WLA) and WONE GLOBAL. This dynamic global network uses Amazon as its leading bullet-proof hosting service. You will not block Amazon, so the promotions get through! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Law Alliance are a dynamic global network that now spams over 70 countries. World Law Alliance and WONE GLOBAL together represent a modern, integrated international practice of annoying promotions where the recipient bears most of the cost. As a member of WLA & WONE GLOBAL, you can share the blame for the pink promotion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And, better still, there are World Law Alliance seminars in exotic locales. If you can convince accounting that there is important stuff to be learned, you can dine on expense account. You might even be creative enough to be reimbursed for the after-hours entertainment featuring local "talent". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If international vacation is on your agenda, WLA & WONE GLOBAL presents an ideal opportunity. Get in touch today: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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